I'm an accomplished business professional with over 15 years of corporate experience specializing in information and physical security. I love to travel, am driven to be a lifelong learner, and enjoy executing my goals via action plans.
I'm a 2020 Northwestern University graduate with a Masters of Science in Information Systems Security. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business from Miami University, Ohio, and attended Wharton's Security Executive Development Program.
Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Anjené Abston. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
I started my career in Corporate America over 15 years ago. I completed graduate school at the end of 2020. Shortly after that, I was laid off from my job. and I was wondering, what next? I had the pleas...
Anjené has extensive experience delivering strategic business results which allows her to utilize her knowledge in operations management, marketing, training, and project management. She's skilled in conducting gap and risk analyses to formulate innovative solutions.
Anjené applies her expertise in the design of programs and leverages methodologies to drive quality, timely delivery, and efficient budgetary control. She has successfully led cross-functional teams through strategic design, project planning, testing, validation/approval, and deployment.
Get ready to be inspired by a powerful episode of the "Embrace Your Power Podcast" hosted by Denise Taylor.
- Knowledge of the basics
- Methods to navigate your options
- Tools to execute an Action Plan
- Supportive Community some stuff